- Provision of a safe, childproof environment.
- Provision of a nutritious lunch and snacks.
- Daily indoor and outdoor (weather & healthy children permitting) activities to foster children's growth and learning.
- Provision of toys and equipment appropriate to the ages of the child.
- Transportation to and from activities is by walking and/or the children sitting in a wagon. Other transportation needs to be approved by the parents.
- Provision of a quiet, safe area for naptime.
- Limited use of television, usually rainy days, limited to appropriate programs.
- Children will be supervised closely during the day and as much individual attention as possible will be given to each child.
- Parent(s) will provide an adequate supply of diapers, infant food and formula and a change of clothes (weather suitable).
- Parent(s) will notify caregiver as soon as possible if:
- child will be absent from care due to illness
- parent(s) working hours or job location changes
- parent(s) will be more than 10 minutes late dropping off or picking up their child
- any changes in family home or child's routine that may affect his/her well-being