On the advice of health care experts children with the following symptoms will not be allowed to be in or remain in care. If your child develops any of these symptoms at daycare I will contact you, where I will appreciate you making arrangements to pick up your child in a timely manner. When keeping your child home, it is very important to inform me of their symptoms so that I may watch for similar illness in the other daycare children.
Coughs and Colds
Colds are a common occurrence. However, there are some symptoms that warrant keeping a child home. These include, but are not limited to: bad cold with hacking or persistent cough, green or yellow nasal drainage, productive cough with green or yellow phlegm being coughed up. These symptoms may be present with or without a fever.
Fever of 100.0 F (38.0C) or higher (children must be fever free for 48 hours before returning to daycare)
Vomiting due to illness (chjldren can return 48 hours after vomiting has stopped)
Diarrhea or bloody stool (children must be diarrhea free for 48 hours to return to daycare)
Rash, draining rash or sores
Eye discharge or Pink eye. Children can return to daycare after:
* Medical diagnosis to rule out bacterial infection * 48 hours on antibiotic treatment *
Fatigue or Irritability that prevents the child from taking part in regular activities
Lice & Scabies
* Children may return after treatment and if NO nits or eggs are visible *
* If children are prescribed antibiotics for any reason they will need to wait at least 24-48 hours before returning to daycare after starting antibiotics *
*Please note: I am unable to administer non-prescription/over the counter medication to children in my care (ie: Children’s Tylenol, Motrin, Visine, etc), I am however able to administer Doctor prescribed medication to children (medication must be up-to-date in original prescribed container with child’s name)
These above policies are designed to be fair to the ill child and their family, as well as our healthy children and their families. I am hoping to control the amount of illnesses at daycare and to keep everyone healthy and happy.
I wish to express my sincere thanks to all of you who keep their sick children home and comply with these policies. I appreciate your courtesy.
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